Published inPredictImmersive Pornography: A Future Societal Poison in the MakingThe real horror of on-demand, limitless satiation when it comes to sexual desire is that over time, our sexual desires grow to develop an…Jun 5, 20241Jun 5, 20241
FamiliarNormalcy overlays itself on the tapestry of snow and ice that covers the land, or so I thought. It is incredible that moments in an instant…Jan 10, 2024Jan 10, 2024
Published inPredictBeauty: A Potential Avenue For Psychological Growth and HealingSep 7, 2023Sep 7, 2023
Published inPredictTechnological Stagnation and the Rise of the Modern AristocratsThe Industrial Revolution is considered by most to be the most important event in the history of humanity. This is because this era not…Dec 6, 2021Dec 6, 2021
Published inthe CafeIt’s LateThis is a poem about depression, and how sometimes we need help or a different perspective in order to rise above the pain which…Dec 2, 2021Dec 2, 2021
Published inthe CafeKelseyA poem about the tumultuousness of the heart, and its sometimes complicated relationship with those that it takes a romantic interest in.Nov 10, 2021Nov 10, 2021
Published inPredictAlzheimers and Dementia: A Possible Future Free from IllnessIn 1906 German physician Alois Alzheimer forever changed the course of medical history when he became the first person in history to see…Oct 9, 20212Oct 9, 20212
Published inPredictTruth: An Antidote to Mediocrity, Misery, and Meaninglessness.“Know the truth and the truth will set you free” is a famous phrase from John 8:32 in the Bible which captures the point that truth can…Oct 5, 20211Oct 5, 20211
Published inThoughts And IdeasFreedom of Speech: A 21st Century Revisioning.The quote, “Reason and free inquiry are the only effectual agents against error” was uttered by Thomas Jefferson as a rationale for why…Oct 3, 2021Oct 3, 2021
Published inPredictThe Economic, Political, and Cultural Impact of CryptocurrencyIn 2009 during the height of the financial crisis, a mysterious alias by the name of Satoshi Nakamato invented Bitcoin and released it to…Sep 27, 20213Sep 27, 20213